1. Pretty much every house in the West had it on in the background
2. Tommy Marren was (and is) our Joe Duffy
Lending an ear to the disgruntled masses for over 20 years.
3. And Teresa O’Malley was our Anne Doyle
You wouldn’t trust anyone else to read the news.
4. Paul Claffey’s theme tune is a banger
Always wondered what it was? Wonder no more.
Perfect for a jive around the kitchen.
5. Being aware of Ireland’s vibrant country and western scene from an early age
The city kids view it as some kind of curiosity, but you LIVED it, man.
6. Some of your earliest musical memories are of Declan Nerney, Conal Gallen, and their ilk
7. You heard just about everyone you know on it at one stage or another
And yet, the thrill of hearing a familiar voice on the radio never faded.
8. And there was great excitement whenever they’d do a live broadcast from your town
Banks, supermarkets, car dealerships… There was no place too small for a Mid West outside broadcast.
9. This is a pretty unremarkable announcement
Actually heard on the radio in 2013:
A man bought a calf at the mart yesterday. When he landed home he realised he had the wrong calf with him. If anyone took home the wrong calf by mistake yesterday down at the mart, please call the station.
10. As is this
11. And the solemn guitar jingle that precedes the death notices makes every Mayo person stop what they’re doing
Your signal to turn up the radio. “The death has occurred…”
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